Thursday, September 14, 2017

Book Blog

The current book I am reading is "It", I have read from page 1-101 out of 712 total pages. I don't completely know what the book is about, but from what I've read and learned about the story, I was able to get a basic idea of the plot. The book "It" focuses on a group of kids who call there group "The Losers Club". One of the main characters, Bill Denbrough, has, or had, a brother. Sadly, his brother was mysteriously killed one night as he was playing with the boat his brother made him. (YOU MAY CONSIDER THIS NEXT SENTENCE AS A SPOILER, so you can skip it if you want). But we the reader knows the he was killed by It. Before I go on, I just want to say that this book is graphic, more than you would think, so read it if you dare. In the little town of Derry, where the book takes place, the losers investigate the mysterious disappearance of adults and children, but the get more than they bargained for... They experience the horror known as Pennywise the Clown. This book is split into two parts, and 27 years after the first part takes place the Losers Club reunites to face off against Pennywise.

Prompt: Are the characters realistic?
Yes, I would definitely say they are, Stephen King, the author, uses very strong language in the book, sometimes a little too much. But this makes the characters seem more realistic because a lot of people use these words in real life. He also uses some very real situations in the book, aside from the things that aren't real. Like having a group of friend, or marriage problems, things like that. From what I've read so far, the characters are relateable.

Prompt: Explain how you have been surprised by what you are reading:
I was surprised of the language in the book. Of course, I have read books with mature language, but Stephen King's novel has much, much more. I didn't think it would be too graphic either, but King describes a lot of things in the book very thoroughly, even if you don't want to read about it. But this adds to the realism and fear that the book gives to the reader. I also am surprised by how it takes so long to get to the main story and scary stuff. It takes over 100 pages (I still haven't got there yet), with a few fears sprinkled in, but nothing too much. So I with all of these things I still hope it is a good reading experience and a good scare.

1 comment:

  1. Nice post - oof.
    There are a few things I really liked about your post, I liked how you told us about the main information of the book before summarizing. I also like how you gave me a spoiler warning, as I have not read the series.
    However, there are a few things you should work on --

    1. Perhaps you should organize the first paragraph, make some sort of separation from the info and the summary.

    2. Topic sentences - replace the "prompt: (insert prompt here)" with a topic sentence.

    Other than those two things, your post seems good to me.
