Friday, January 20, 2017

Quarter 2 Reflection

In what area do you think you made the biggest improvements in English Language Arts?
    I think I made a big improvement in annotating. Before, I was new to it, and I didn't get the concept that much. But as time went on, I got much better at doing it, mostly when we were reading To Kill a Mockingbird. I could still make some improvement, but I am decent at doing it right now. Also I made an improvement in reading. I don't mean reading fluently, but reading books regularly. I have been reading book in order to complete the 20, or now 40, book challenge. And it keeps me away from doing other nonproductive things, so that is also good.

What is something that you have accomplished since the New Year that you are proud of?
    I am proud of not getting any Falcon Fouls. This is an irritating problem that is sometimes overwhelming, but thankfully, I have not got any since the New Year and I am really proud of that. It keeps me away from detentions, and I have been told that I only have one right now. I hope that next quarter I will get no Falcon Fouls, which would be a big achievement for me.

What has been the most challenging part of the 2nd Quarter and what did/can you do to help overcome this
    The sometimes the challenging part of Quarter 2 was that sometime homework could be overwhelming. I could have a lot and forget to do some, but luckily this year there is no fouls for not doing homework this year. Also Falcon Fouls, because I always worried that I would get them and I didn't want to go to detention. I really dislike them, because they are irritating, but detention is really that bad. But having detention is bad for me.

Thursday, January 12, 2017

TKAM Comparitive Analysis

1.  What do you think is the most important difference between the written and filmed version? Provide evidence with specific details.

I think the most important difference between the film and the book is the lack of A LOT of the story, and small alterations too. I mean, I know if they fit everything into the movie it would be way too long but still, some important things are missing. Like Aunt Alexandra coming to stay with the Finch's, Miss Maudie's house burning down, Miss Dubose dying, Christmas, and even some more. So there is a lot of things missing so the story is different overall in the movie. Which altered the story thourghly.

2. How would you prove or disprove that one version of To Kill A Mockingbird is more affective in delivering its message than the other? Be sure to provide specific pieces of evidence to support your opinion. 

The book version gets the message through much better that the movie because it tells EVERYTHING that happened, while the movie doesn't do that. It includes all the lessons and (I think) provide a better story overall. So from the lack of things missing from the movie, it doesn't show the message as good as the book. And it is missing a lot of things from the story, I wrote more on that above.