Monday, September 26, 2016


    Of Beetles and Angles is similar to my AoW because, first of all, they both talk about refugees. But the article compared and contrasted to WWII to see how Jewish Refugees are similar to today's Syrian Refugees. Some Jews were able to get in to the safety of the U.S, like  Albert Einstien and, Mawi and his family, but others weren't so lucky. Like Anne Frank, she was held captive in a Nazi camp and died a month before the war ended, today many refugees are dying in the war in which they live.

   Also OBBA and the article are similar because the refugees are fleeing a war. In Mawi's case, the Ethiopians and Etrieans were having a war, and Mawi's family went to Sudan to stay in a refugee camp. Syrian refugees today are also staying in refugee camps to escape the war around them. Some come to the U.S, like Mawi did, to find safety.

   Refugees had to do a lot of the same things Mawi's family did in the war they were in. Like fleeing the wars to go to the refugee camp, Syrian refugees did that as well. A Jewish refugee from WWII got a care package to survive the war, and Mawi's family got help from a Christian organization to come to the U.S. These two things are connected to OBBA because Mawi basically did them in his life. It says this in his memoir.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Welcome to my Blog

    Hello welcome to my blog. My name is Clement, and I'm in 7th grade. I like to play soccer and my favorite school subject in science. I like using technology as well, I typed this with an iPad. I hope you like my blog, I'll try to keep it interesting.