Friday, October 28, 2016

1st Quarter Reflections

   This quarter has reminded me of how it is to be in school again. It's started alright, but I hope it will get better. Anyways, I have started a 20 book challenge in ELA. So far I have read I think 6 books. I need to start reading more, but I'll probably read at least 20 books before the school year ends. But I have read 6+ Star Wars comics, and also A Cask of Amontillado (a short story by Edgar Allan Poe), but I don't know if that counts. I look forward to reading more books as the school year goes on, hopefully even more than 20.

    In ELA we also learned about the carnival season in several places around the world. Like the carnival in Brazil, said to be the biggest in the world. And also in Venice, Italy, where they where costumes and masks during their carnival season. And in Social Social studies we are learning about U.S history. For example the American Revolution, the Boston Tea Party, and battles that the 13 Colonies fought in. I learned all this, but I have still much to learn as the school year goes on.

    In the next 3 quarters I hope to not get as many Falcon Fouls as I did this year. They are easily the most despicable thing about HMS, although detention is not that bad. They also take away many privledges, so I hope those will be reduced. Also I hope my grades will stay at an average 3, I always try to keep my grades high, I might even be elligable for a scholarship! So those two objectives are my top priorities for this school year, and I hope that they will be accomplished.



1st Quarter Reflections

   This quarter has reminded me of how it is to be in school again. It's started alright, but I hope it will get better. Anyways, I have started a 20 book challenge in ELA. So far I have read I think 6 books. I need to start reading more, but I'll probably read at least 20 books before the school year ends. But I have read 6+ Star Wars comics, and also A Cask of Amontillado (a short story by Edgar Allan Poe), but I don't know if that counts. I look forward to reading more books as the school year goes on, hopefully even more than 20.

    In ELA we also learned about the carnival season in several places around the world. Like the carnival in Brazil, said to be the biggest in the world. And also in Venice, Italy, where they where costumes and masks during their carnival season. And in Social Social studies we are learning about U.S history. For example the American Revolution, the Boston Tea Party, and battles that the 13 Colonies fought in. I learned all this, but I have still much to learn as the school year goes on.

    In the next 3 quarters I hope to not get as many Falcon Fouls as I did this year. They are easily the most despicable thing about HMS, although detention is not that bad. They also take away many privledges, so I hope those will be reduced. Also I hope my grades will stay at an average 3, I always try to keep my grades high, I might even be elligable for a scholarship! So those two objectives are my top priorities for this school year, and I hope that they will be accomplished.



Thursday, October 20, 2016

Montressor Confession

It was that fateful day, that day when Fortunato brought my wrath upon his soul, that he sealed his fate. He insulted my family, he insulted me, his words burned my soul, so I made sure his immolation was much, much worse than just dying.

I, Montressor, tell the story of the death of Fortunato. It has been one of the greatest mysteries of our town in Italy. The beloved Fortunato, where has he gone, what has happened to him? I would bear the thousand injuries he laid upon me, but his insult was where he crossed the line. From that day forward, I knew that I would avenge my family, I would get my revenge.

I had planned for months, and decided to see my dear friend in the carnival season. When I met him I saw that he was already drunk with wine, which went even more with my plan. I told him I had a pipe of amontillado, and he insisted he would come to taste it, himself a connoisseur in wine. I took him to my palazzo, into the catacombs, chained him to a wall, and left him to rot with the bones. My revenge was complete, and it tasted better than amontillado ever could.

I tell this now, after 50 years, to show that I had done the perfect crime. Some people questioned Fortunato's disappearance, but now everyone has forgotten about that fool. It was the worst way to die, chained to a wall, rotting away, and being forgotten by everyone, everyone except his murderer. I smile every time I think about him. And every time I sleep, I always hear the bells jingling on Fortunato's hat, it gives me a good laugh every time. Fortunato, how unfortunate was your death, but I have no regret for it.

Friday, October 7, 2016

Angels in Disguise - Life Lines Poem

Poem: Angels in Disguise

Haileab, he never turned a patient away, he helped everyone,
Though he received threats about death,
He accepted anyone, no matter how poor into his home,
And fed us, cared for us, and gave us a place to sleep,
he treated us, beetles, as angels,
As if we were angels in disguise,
Tewolde, he had a kind and giving heart,
Always going out of his way to help beetles, like us,
Never hesitating to do a caring act,
He did his best to help his family,
And even people he did not even know,
He treated everyone as an angel,
As if we were angels in disguise,
Haileab, he helped us when we came to America,
He let us stay in his home,
And helped us when we got into trouble,
He saw the angel in all of us,
As did Tewolde, who helped a man get a job,
And supported him for a whole year,
He acknowledged disregarded people,
And greeted them with a smile,
He saw the angel in all of us,
But now, Haileab and Tewolde are no longer with us,
Drunk drivers took their lives,
So hope we may see them again,
In another life.