Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Election Reflections

What are your thoughts on this election in general?

I thought that the candidates in this presidential election was very focused on attacking each other. Sometimes it was amusing, but I haven't seen an election as crazy as this (although I only remember seeing this and the past one). This election was also pretty biased towards Hillary Clinton, as the media and the news has almost been degrading Donald Trump's public image. And sure, he has said some pretty bad things, but Hillary Clinton doesn't go without fault either. But, after this grueling year and a half, this election has finalized come to an end. And overall, I think everything that happened was still worth it.


What are your thoughts on the election results?

The candidate that came out on top yesterday actually surprised me, and I'm sure it surprised a lot of other people as well. Donald Trump is the new president of the U.S, and based on what was happening before the election, I thought his chances would be pretty low. But, somehow, he turned two democratic states to him, won Florida, and some other states as well, and got 288 electoral votes. I thought it was really unexpected, and he also got the popular vote as well. So though he has made many mistakes, what he wants to fight for is worth it to vote for him. But though he has become the president, he still has to reshape his image to the people who still think of him badly. I'm interested to see how this turns out.


What are some issues you think are most important/interesting in relation to the election?

I think that now that all the debating and quarreling is over, how will major problems be solved? Like illegal immigrants, relationships with other countries, taxes, the wellbeing of the citizens. I think we should try to solve illegal immigration, and it will probably get solved fast because of how Donald Trump has been talking about it. And taxes as well, so that we can pay less, or more, I don't really know. I'm not super-invested in politics, so I don't really know what kind of problems to look at. But, I have faith that whatever stuff we have to fix, it will be done.

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